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Fish Tsang Sin-yu 曾倩瑜

supported artist of year 2011-12
2011-12 年度獲選年青藝術家

Fish Tsang Sin-yu received her Master of Arts in Music at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and Bachelor of Arts in Creative Media at the City University of Hong Kong. Fish’s cross media creation spans installation, video, performance, etc. She shares her discoveries and expressions of the seemingly mundane trivia by recreating daily occurrences.

Fish’s work has been featured in various events, including ‘Experimentica 2012: UNSEEN’ (Cardiff, United Kingdom, 2012), ‘Art HK 2012’ (Hong Kong, 2012), ‘Around Sound’ Art Festival (Kwun Tong Ferry Pier, Hong Kong, 2013), and ‘Sonic Anchor’ (Hong Kong, 2014, 2016). Supported by soundpocket, Fish was invited to present her first solo exhibition, ‘Unintentional Pause’ at Empty Gallery (Hong Kong, 2017).

Fish Tsang Sin-yu was supported by soundpocket’s Artist Support Programme 2011–12.

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曾參與不同展出,包括「Experimentica 2012:UNSEEN」(卡迪夫,英國,2012)、「香港國際藝術展2012」(香港,2012)、「聽在」聲音藝術節 (觀塘渡輪碼頭,香港,2013)和「聲音下寨」(香港藝術中心,香港,2014、2016)。在聲音掏腰包的支持下,曾氏應邀舉辦首個個人展覽「無意駐足」(Empty Gallery,香港,2017)。

曾倩瑜為聲音掏腰包「藝術家支援計劃」2011-12 年度獲選藝術家。

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