sound on

Brian Chu Yin-woo 朱彥龢

supported artist of year 2018-19
2018-19 年度獲選年青藝術家

Brian CHU Yin-woo(龢wo4)’s practice involves the use of percussive instruments, the manipulation of cassette feedback, and the use of various found objects for the experimental purposes of exploring their sonorous properties. His practice is premised upon attentiveness to the echoes that resound from the surfaces of daily living, the sonic relationships between everyday objects, and an inclination towards the rhythms that they happen to produce. Percussion is his visceral response to all of these. By performing under the name 龢wo4, he explores a language in which ‘I’ can inhabit and articulate a form of speaking that is his own, in a unique soundscape.

He participated and performed in the KLEX festival in Malaysia, 2019. Upon returning from the festival, 2020 saw the recording and self-release of his first record Spiral.

Brian Chu Yin-woo was supported by soundpocket’s Artist Support Programme 2018–19.

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朱彥龢 運用敲擊樂器、卡式帶回饋和各種物件作即興聲音演奏,實驗物件間的碰觸。傾聽生活中的聲響,留意環境與物件之間的聲音關係,會被它們之間的節奏吸引。以敲擊作為本能反應,尋找一種「我」身處此地去表達的語言。演出化名:龢wo4。

2019年參與馬來西亞KLEX Festival 演出,回港後錄製個人專輯,於2020年自資出版《螺旋體》。

朱彥龢為聲音掏腰包「藝術家支援計劃」2018-19 年度獲選藝術家。

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