sound on

DAY AFTER 翌日 [2014. 9.29 – 12.12] is released!

Album Title 專輯名稱 | DAY AFTER翌日 [2014. 9.29 – 12.12]

Contributing artists 參與藝術家|
Fiona Lee Wing-shan (Hong Kong), Wong Chun-hoi (Hong Kong), dj sniff (Japan), Samson Cheung Choi-sang (Hong Kong), Wong Fuk-kuen (Hong Kong), Tse Chun-sing (Hong Kong), Steve Hui Ngo-shan (Hong Kong), Solomon Yu Tik-man (Hong Kong), So Wai-lam (Hong Kong), Law Yuk-mui (Hong Kong)

李穎姍(香港)、王鎮海(香港)、dj sniff (日本)、張才生(香港)、黃福權(香港)、謝振聲(香港)、

Publisher 出版|soundpocket 聲音掏腰包

Language 語言|Mostly in Cantonese, with little English 以廣東話爲主,附以少量英文

Text Language 文本語言|English 英文, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文

About the Album 關於專輯|

DAY AFTER翌日 [2014. 9.29 – 12.12] is a collective album of the sounds of Umbrella Movement. DAY AFTER presents the chronological order of the recordings from September 29 to December 12, that is, from the day after the police shot tear gas to the day after the clearance. This album began as a field recording investigative project initiated by The Library by soundpocket in January 2015. Aiming at collecting and preserving the first hand materials of the Umbrella Movement from the angle of‘sound, the investigation put together the sonic recordings and artists’ testimony about their listening experiences in a bona fide social movement.

DAY AFTER翌日[2014. 9.29 – 12.12] 是一張結集雨傘運動聲音的CD專輯。「翌日」是指雨傘運動開始以及結束之後的一天,即警察發放催淚彈到金鐘佔領區被清場後的一天;也就是這張專輯的第一段和最後一段錄音的日期。這張專輯起源於2015年1月,由「聲音圖書館」策劃的「雨傘運動-田野錄音調查」。調查以搜集和整理雨傘運動的一手聲音資料為目標,以「聲音」的角度,藝術家的聆聽經驗去理解和探討錄音。


Price 售價 (with shipping cost 包運費)
Local Shipping 本地郵寄 (to ship within Hong Kong 寄往香港地區) : HKD150
Overseas 海外郵寄 (to ship outside Hong Kong 寄往香港以外地區) : HKD180

Special offer for full time student 全日制學生優惠 :
HKD120 (local 本地)
HKD150 (overseas 海外)
(Please provide image of student card 請出示學生証)

Now available at local stores 現已於本地商店有售:
Art and Culture Outreach|艺鵠
Cafe 71 aka the Fair-faced Comrade of Club 71
Floating Projects 據點。句點
SYUT by tfvsjs 談風:vs:再說
Hong Kong Reader Bookstore 序言書室
myarts 賣藝
feed your nerves 神經餵飼

And available at stores overseas 及於海外商店有售:
Pin-to Livros & Musica 边度有書.有音樂 (Macau 澳門)
DigiLog 聲響實驗室 (Taipei 台北)

查詢 Inquiry: [email protected]/ (852) 3954 5584

Payment Methods 付款方式

Bank Transfer 匯款
Account number: HSBC 813 272671 001
and please send deposit slip to Unit B02, 19/F, Galaxy Factory Building, 25-27 Luk Hop Street, San Po Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
戶口號碼:匯豐銀行 813 272671 001
存根請寄 香港九龍新蒲崗六合街25-27號嘉時工廠大廈19樓B02室

Cheque 支票
Payable to: “soundpocket limited”
and please send to Unit B02, 19/F, Galaxy Factory Building, 25-27 Luk Hop Street, San Po Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
抬頭:soundpocket limited
支票請寄 香港九龍新蒲崗六合街25-27號嘉時工廠大廈19樓B02室

Online Purchase 網上訂購 (pay via PAYPAL 以PAYPAL 付款)
* We will contact you for the delivery address after receiving the payment confirmation.

1. Local order 本地訂購

2. Overseas order 海外訂購

3. Local Full-time Student 本地全日制學生訂購

4. Overseas Full-time Student 海外全日制學生訂購