sound on

DIALOGUE – with Erik Deluca
有偈傾 – 藝術家 Erik Deluca

“Citizen Science, Sound and Fieldworks”
7.2.2015 | 3 – 5pm @ soundpocket 聲音掏腰包

“Since 2011 I’ve been part of a dialogue among a team of wolf biologists and a community of park-explorers who share a unique deep listening relationship founded on citizen science. The scientists involved in this project are the primary investigators in the five-decade long wolf/moose project, the longest continuous wildlife study in the world. The primary way these researchers determine clues of wolf reproduction is to listen for the sounds of group howling during the summer months. For these clues, the researchers ears, or “antennas” as they put it, tap into a network of people who are
scattered across the island, listening. This citizen science is directly tied to the ecological well-being of the park, which is currently at risk of major change because the wolves, who control this ecological balance, are on the brink of extinction.  For soundpocket’s DIALOGUE series, I will discuss a number of sound works that began with this fieldwork.” – Erik Deluca

Since 2011, Erik Deluca has been part of a dialogue among a team of wolf biologists and a community of park-explorers who share a unique deep listening relationship founded on citizen science. For soundpocket’s DIALOGUE series, he will discuss a number of sound works that began with this fieldwork.

「自2011年起,我跟一群研究狼群的生物學家和公園探索者展開了對話,他們對於公科學與聆聽的關係均有自己的一套理解。在這長達五十年的狼和麋鹿研究 – 全球最長時間、連續性的野生動物研究,參與的科學家們都是主要的調查員。研究員會原始地在夏天聆聽狼群的嚎叫而斷定狼群的繁殖期。爲了找尋這些線索,研究員會細心聆聽,並將他們的耳朵或觸覺遍佈島嶼的社群而取得消息。因此,公科學與公園的生態環境不無關係,而公園正正因爲狼群的瀕臨絕種而無法取得生態平衡。在這次與聲音掏腰包的對話,我將會與大家探討從這研究而生的一些聲音藝術作品。」 – Erik Deluca

Erik Deluca自2011年與一群研究狼群的生物學家和公園探索者展開了對話,並開始對公民科學與聆聽的關係進行深入了解。在這次與聲音掏腰包的對話,他將會與大家探討從這研究而生的一些聲音藝術作品。

Artist’s Biography 藝術家簡歷

Erik Deluca is a composer, sound artist, and scholar of sound who has lectured, performed, and exhibited at places such as MASS MoCA, Society for Ethnomusicology, June in Buffalo, Bang on a Can Summer Music Festival, Art Basel Miami, Issue Project Room, Atlantic Center for the Arts, Diapason Gallery, the Hammer Museum, and the International Computer Music Conference. As an Artist-in-Residence and “social science” researcher in the National Park system (Grand Canyon, Denali, North Cascades, Isle Royale, Wrangell-St. Elias, Crater Lake, and Acadia) he has taken to fieldwork-esque, experiential modes of making. In 2009 he released the album [in] on everglade records with forewords by Alvin Lucier and David Dunn. He writes and performs songs in the band DEN, and often collaborates with the dance collective, the Movement Party. His writing has been published by Perspectives of New Music. Erik is a lecturer in the music department at the University of Virginia as well as an ABD Ph.D. candidate. Erik is currently lecturer of sound and music on the Semester at Sea circumnavigation.

Erik Deluca是一名作曲家、聲音藝術家、學者。他曾經在MASS MoCA、Society for Ethnomusicology、June in Buffalo、Bang on a Can Summer Music Festival、巴塞爾藝術展(邁阿密)(Art Basel Miami)、Issue Project Room, Atlantic Center for the Arts、Diapason Gallery、漢莫爾美術館 (Hammer Museum) 和國際電腦音樂會議 (International Computer Music Conference) 任教、表演和舉行展覽。他曾在美國國家公園體系(大峽谷、德納利山、北卡斯卡德山等)作駐場藝術家和社會科學研究,啓發了他進行實地考察和實驗性的嘗試。2009年,他發表了以Alvin Lucier 和David Dunn作序言的「[in] 」。此外,他亦爲自己的樂隊DEN作曲和表演,並與dance collective和the Movement Party時有合作。他的文字亦曾在Perspectives of New Music期刊刊登。

Erik現於美國弗吉尼亞大學音樂學系擔任講師,並將獲頒博士學位。他現在主要在Semester at Sea航海世界擔任聲音和音樂講師。