sound on

After BEING THERE 京丹の後
– performance and sharing 演出及分享會

22.11.2017 (Wed 三) 8:30pm

@ Desk-one 溫室
23/F, Chung Kiu Commercial Building, 47-51 Shantung Street, Mongkok, Kowloon, Hong Kong

:: Participating Artists 參與藝術家 ::
Samson Cheung Choi-sang 張才生
Arumimi Hifumi 有耳非文
Fiona Lee Wing-Shan 李穎姍
Frank Tang Kai-yiu 鄧啟耀

From 28 August to 10 September 2017, soundpocket and Hong Kong-based artists Samson Cheung Choi-sang, Arumimi Hifumi, Fiona Lee Wing-shan, and Frank Tang Kai-yiu travelled to Kyotango, Kyoto, Japan for a two-week residency titled “BEING THERE 2017”. Together with the participating artists from Japan, they explored art, sound, places, and space in the city of Kyotango. They also engaged in dialogue with the local residents while wandering around this lovely city on the coast of the Sea of Japan.

“After BEING THERE” is the extended programme of “BEING THERE 2017”, in which the four Hong Kong-based artists will present to and share with the Hong Kong audience works and ideas that are both reflections and expressions in response to their experiences in Japan.

聲音掏腰包與藝術家張才生有耳非文李穎姍鄧啟耀於本年度8月28日至9月10日期間曾到訪日本京都京丹後作為期兩周的駐留計劃「BEING THERE 2017」,期間聯同一眾來自日本的參與藝術家於京丹後市進行有關藝術、聲音、地方與空間之探索;他們在這個日本海沿岸城市遊歷之時,也與當地居民作交流分享。

《京丹の後》為BEING THERE 2017 的伸延活動:四位駐香港的參與藝術家將旅途的所見、所感、所想化成一次在地演出及一場演後分享會,回溯與回顧京丹後之旅的點滴。

Ticket Price 票價:$80/$60*
* Full time students. Please provide image of valid student card. 全日制學生,須出示有效學生證。

>>> Book tickets now 立即訂購門票 <<<

Tickets available at Desk-one and on the soundpocket website

Enquires 查詢:3954-5584 / [email protected]