sound on

“caak3 seng1” by Ahkok Wong is published!

Latest Publication 最新出版
*Traditional Chinese publication 繁體中文書籍

sound by artists 1:
caak3 seng1 拆聲

Title 書名 | caak3 seng1 拆聲
Series title 書系|sound by artists
Writer 作者|Ahkok Wong 黃津珏
Editor 編者|Jass Leung 梁偉詩
Publisher 出版|soundpocket 聲音掏腰包
Language 語言|Traditional Chinese, with little English 繁體中文,少量英文
317 pages
ISBN  978-988-19480-2-1

about caak3 seng1

“People pursue tube amplifier, listen to vinyl records, etc. The reason for these behaviors is that these equipment can produce sound with the feelings of ‘warmth’ and ‘truthfulness’. In fact such feelings come from the uneven shape of thorn-like ripples. Modern electric guitarists certainly understand this endless pursuit of the quality of sound: We can spend a lifetime to use different instruments as medium to search for the ideal ‘distortion’, ─ that is ‘caak3 seng1’ in Cantonese.” – Ahkok Wong

Ahkok Wong is a musician, author, and lecturer, and he used to live in an industrial building. He is also active in social movements. He has been a prolific writer, having published in local newspapers, magazines and digital media. “caak3 seng1” is a collection of selected articles that focuses on music, band ecology, communities in industrial areas and related government policies. Multiple engagements of Ahkok allow him to explore and comment on different issues, his incessant spirit of questioning offers readers ways to listen to Hong Kong ‘with temperature’.

“caak3 seng1” is the first publication in the series “sound by artists”, conceived by soundpocket. Artists with a practice in Hong Kong keep thinking and creating, and express their perception of the world through their own writing and their own voices. Artists provide us the artistic and critical angle to observe ourselves and the surroundings. To listen to them is to find the valuable linkages amongst people, also the problems and alternatives in our societies, between sound, art, and words. “caak3 seng1” brings us insights into lives we get used to. By questioning inexplicable phenomena in Hong Kong, Ahkok associates different musicians, artists and cities to our society, and talk about what we dare not to say nowadays.


「人們追求真空管擴音器,喜歡聽黑膠唱片等等的行為,是因為那些器材產生的聲音有『暖』、『真』的感覺, 而這個感覺,其實是來自參差不齊,形似荊棘的波紋。現代電結他手當然明白這個聲色上永無止境的追求:我們能花上一生的時間,以不同樂器器材作媒介,尋找心目中最理想的破音─即是廣東話的『拆聲 (caak3 seng1) 』。」 – 黃津珏


《拆聲》為聲音掏腰包出版的「sound by artists」書目系列的第一冊。香港藝術家有不同的關注,他們持續思考及創作,透過自身的寫作及聲音來表達對世界的觀感。藝術家為我們提供藝術性及批判性的視角來觀看自身及周遭。仔細聆聽他們的聲音,你會在聲音、藝術及字裡行間找到人際間珍貴的連繫,和社會中的問題與其他選擇。《拆聲》給我們習以為常的生活帶來新見解。透過對香港光怪陸離的現象提出疑問,阿珏從不同的音樂人、藝術家及城市聯想到我們的社會,道出今天我們所不敢說的。

Read selected articles online

Warning: This excerpt contains foul language that may offend some readers.


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(More to come 陸續更新!)

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