sound on

Time Is On Our Side – Contemporary Musiking Hong Kong x soundpocket Joint Benefit 2021
現在音樂 x 聲音掏腰包慈善籌款 2021:俾多幾年我

There is no better time for micro-listening as gigantism exercises its obliterating might. There is no better time for connecting as processes of atomization intensify.
There is no better time for supporting artists who sound out that which is alive despite deafening hyperbole that drowns out lifelines.

Time is on our side, for as long as it takes.

We have no plan to stop. We have no plan to diverge from our chosen path.
We promise not the spectacular, but commitment, tenacity, and the essential spirit of living an experimental life.
We are here to share the weight, the troubles, as much as the beauty that listening to everything nestles us into.
We are here to dig into that which matters for artists who keep listening, even when time seems to matter no more.




“Contemporary Musiking Hong Kong is devoted to the promotion, presentation, and advocacy for cross-disciplinary practices in sound,” a mission we are still very much committed to ever since CMHK was founded.

“Sonic Anchor” and “Sonic Transmission” are two of our longest running programs to encourage artists to venture out of their comfort zones, to provide a platform for experiments in sound and performance, and to bring exchange opportunities to local artists. Unwillingly, due to the loss of grant money for these programs, as well as for our biggest festival, Sound Forms, we must work with a minimal budget and even draw on savings accumulated over the past years.

To keep these programs running we are asking for your help to raise a total of HK$100,000 to cover the six month period starting from January 2022, which will include two Sonic Anchor evenings and one artist exchange program. Your support will go directly to the artists and for the production of these projects.


《聲音下寨》和《聲音傳輸》是我們多年策劃的兩個年度項目,旨在鼓勵藝術家走出舒適圈,為聲音實驗演出提供平台,以及為本地藝術家提供交流機會。不幸地,由於得不到香港藝術發展局的資助,我們只能以極少預算來籌辦這些年度項目,當中包括我們最大型的聲音藝術節 《聲形》,甚至已需動用我們過去幾年累積下來的積蓄。

是次籌款我們希望籌得總計 100,000 港元的資金,令以上計劃在 2022 年 1 月起的六個月內持續運行,其中包括兩場《聲音下寨》之夜,以及一項藝術家交流計劃。您的支持將直接支援藝術家和這些項目的製作。

– Contemporary Musiking Hong Kong 現在音樂

For 10 consecutive years, our “Artist Support Programme” has witnessed the growth of nineteen artists. The principles of this programme are based on their artistic and personal development. The one-month overseas residency component is essential to these artists’ entitlement to mobility.

This year, for the first time, we failed to secure an ADC grant for this programme. This means resources for artists have been directly and unexpectedly taken away. We are talking about a loss of HK$120,000.

We need your support to keep this going.

Please support us to support artists.

過去 10 年,我們的「藝術家支援計劃」見證了 19 位藝術家的成長。計劃以他們的藝術和個人發展為起點;當中為期一個月的海外駐留計劃對藝術家的流動性尤其重要。

今年是我們首次未能獲得香港藝術發展局對於「藝術家支援計劃」的資助,藝術家的資源將被突然地全數抽走。我們所說的是 120,000 港元



– soundpocket 聲音掏腰包

:: We Are Here To Stay Screenings 不想離開放映會 ::

The moving images of “We Are Here to Stay Screenings” are sponsored by our previous collaborating local and overseas artists. We would like to extend our gratitude to the participating artists: Chaos Hands, Catherine Clover, Yannick Dauby, Vvzela Kook, Anson Mak, Hiromi Miyakita, Push1Stop, Winnie Yan Wai-yin, Yim Sui-fong, and Yip Kai-chun.

《不想離開放映會》的錄像作品由聲音掏腰包及現在音樂過往合作過的本地及海外藝術家贊助放映,我們在此特別鳴謝參與藝術家:Chaos Hands、Catherine Clover、澎葉生、曲淵澈、麥海珊、宮北裕美、忻慧妍、嚴瑞芳、葉啟俊。

16.12.2021 (THU 四) 6 – 6:40 PM & 7 – 7:50 PM
17.12.2021 (FRI 五) 6 – 6:40 PM & 7 – 7:50 PM
@ Black Box Studio, Goethe-Institut Hongkong (14/F, Hong Kong Arts Centre, 2 Harbour Road, Wanchai)*
@ 香港歌德學院黑盒子(灣仔港灣道 2 號香港藝術中心 14 樓)*

Participating Artists 參與藝術家:

16.12.2021 (THU 四)
Yannick Dauby 澎葉生 | Vvzela Kook 曲淵澈 | Anson Mak 麥海珊 | Hiromi Miyakita 宮北裕美 |
Push1Stop | Winnie Yan Wai-yin 忻慧妍 | Yip Kai-chun 葉啟俊

17.12.2021 (FRI 五)
Chaos Hands | Catherine Clover | soundpocket 聲音掏腰包 |
Winnie Yan Wai-yin 忻慧妍 | Yim Sui-fong 嚴瑞芳

Ticket: HK$500^/session
門票: 每場 HK$500^

:: Never Gonna Give You Up Party 拒絕分手派對 ::

Wrapping up the fundraiser with our “Never Gonna Give You Up Party”, we would like to invite every single one of you who have been supporting CMHK and soundpocket through the years to gather together and stay connected with us.


19.12.2021 (SUN 日) 3-6PM
@ The Aftermath (L/G, 57-59 Wyndham Street, Central 中環雲咸街 57-59 號地庫)*

Dance with the following units’ playlists ♪
感激以下單位提供歌單 ♪
Xiaolin 曉霖 | Samson Young 楊嘉輝 | Yang Yeung 楊陽
… and more 及更多

Admission : HK$600^ (2 drinks included)
入場 : HK$600^ (包兩杯飲品)

* According to the latest social distancing measures announced by the government, the use of “Leave Home Safe” App is required.
* 根據政府最新的社交距離措施,所有進入活動場地的訪客均需使用「安心出行」。

^ CMHK and soundpocket are registered charitable organizations, and donations are tax-deductible.
^ 現在音樂及聲音掏腰包為註冊慈善團體,捐款可作扣稅用途。

:: shy shy patron 謙謙君子 ::

If you’re too shy to show up at the events but still want to support us, there’re other donation methods!

1 | FPS/ Bank-transfer 轉數快/ 銀行轉帳
Account Holder 帳戶名稱: Soundpocket Limited
Bank 銀行: HSBC 匯豐銀行
Account Number 帳戶號碼: 813-272671-001

2 | Paypal
Account Name 帳戶名稱: “Soundpocket Limited”
press “send” button 選擇 “send”


3 | Crossed Cheque 劃線支票
Account Name 支票抬頭: “Soundpocket Limtied”
Please note down your name & contact number at the back of the crossed cheque mail to “Unit B3, 15/F, Lee Chung Industrial Building, 7 Tsat Po Street, San Po Kong, Kowloon, HK.”
請於劃線支票背面寫上姓名及聯絡電話,並郵寄至「香港九龍新蒲崗七寶街 7 號利中工業大廈 15 樓 B3 室」。

>>> Get your tickets or make a pledge now 立即購票或捐款支持 <<<

“We Are Here To Stay Screenings” Venue Partner


“Never Gonna Give You Up Party” Venue Sponsor