sound on


soundpocket is a registered charitable organization in Hong Kong since 2008. (company registration number: 1223695) . We have become a grant recipient of the Hong Kong Arts Development Council from July 2009. We have also received small project grants to realize individual projects.

We have the following individuals, companies and organizations in addition to our honorary advisors to thank, for their time, energy, ideas, encouragement, and support:
Anthony Yeung Mastering Studio, Billy Larry, Codesign, Mike Cooper, Chris Lau, Samson Young, Wendy Lee Kwok-ying, Edwin Lo, Emergency Lab, MCCM Creations, Para/Site Art Space, Ellen Pau, SEE Network, Madeleine Slavick, Fortune Ferry Company Limited, Kadoorie Farm & Botanic Garden and Japan Foundation.

If we have missed you on this list, you know who you are. Thank you.

We need your support to better our listening environment.

For research and long-term public education, help us keep their voices alive –
Your donation will be used to hire interviewers and transcribers, both trained by experienced professionals in soundpocket, to keep extending our archive of People working with sound and sharing this experience with you.

Make a pledge online via Paypal:

Donation Amount

Or donate by crossed cheque:
account name “soundpocket limited”
mail to Unit B3, 15/F, Lee Chung Industrial Building, 7 Tsat Po Street, San Po Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong.

(A receipt from soundpocket will be sent to all our patrons upon receipt of all donations.)


soundpocket is financially supported by the HKADC