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Nicole Wong 王思遨

supported artist of year 2012-13
2012-13 年度獲選年青藝術家

Nicole Wong Si-ngo (b.1990, Hong Kong) graduated from Nottingham Trent University, United Kingdom in 2012, and now lives and works in Hong Kong. Nicole’s minimalistic multidisciplinary approach thrusts her work into the realm of an investigative medium through which she asks equivocal questions. These involve literal wordplay and the illusive concept of time, resulting in a poetic narrative of broken communication. In 2013, she won the Hong Kong Contemporary Art Award and was a finalist in the Hong Kong Art Prize and London Griffin Art Prize. Wong has participated in exhibitions including ‘At Wit’s End’ (Asia Culture Center, Gwangju, 2016), ‘Self Criticism – How much time we have wasted?’ (Inside Out Art Museum, Beijing, 2017), ‘Superposition: Equilibrium & Engagement’ (21st Biennale of Sydney, 2018), ‘A Tree Fell in the Forest and No One’s There’ (Power Station of Art, Shanghai, 2018), and ‘Post Anthropocene’ (Taiwan Biennale, Tainan, 2020).

Nicole Wong was supported by soundpocket’s Artist Support Programme 2012–13.

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生於1990年,2012年畢業於英國諾丁漢特倫特大學,現居香港。作品偏極簡,以轉移概念性的角度及文字的多義性,對非具像的概念作出質疑,如期望和溝通的落差、時間的抽象感知和情感等等。王氐的作品於2013年入圍香港藝術獎及倫敦Griffin Art Prize,亦是香港當代藝術獎大獎得主。 她的作品曾展出於「At Wit’s End」(國立亞洲文化殿堂,光州,2016)、「Self Criticism – How much time we have wasted?」(中間美術館,北京,2017)、「Superposition: Equilibrium & Engagement」(第21屆悉尼雙年展,2018)、「林中有樹倒下而沒有人在」(上海當代藝術博物館,上海,2018)及「後人間世」(台灣美術雙年展,台南,2020)。

王思遨為聲音掏腰包「藝術家支援計劃」2012-13 年度獲選藝術家。

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