sound on

Josephine Chan Ching-man 陳靖汶

supported artist of year 2019-20
2019-20 年度獲選年青藝術家

Josephine Chan Ching-man (b.1991) received her bachelor’s degree from the Department of Music, Kingston University (UK) in 2018, majoring in Composition. She has also begun working as a mounting and framing craftsman. Building on the past two-and-a-half years of her sound research, she now anchors her sonic focus on repetitive sounds – sounds from the home, from nature, and from her many handicraft activities. The series of works she is developing, included in ‘10 years of ASP’, have been created to work around the audience’s engagement with such experiences.

Josephine Chan Ching-man was supported by soundpocket’s Artist Support Programme 2019–20.

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陳靖汶生於1991年。2018年畢業於英國金士頓大學,主修音樂系(作曲)。同時也是新紮中西字畫裝裱技師。經過兩年多的聲音探索,期望能轉化重複的聲音經驗 ── 居家的、自然的、手藝工作的聲音等,轉化為「ASP十年展」及未來一系列創作,並期望藉此與觀眾連結。

陳靖汶為聲音掏腰包「藝術家支援計劃」2019-20 年度獲選藝術家。

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