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Samson Cheung Choi-sang 張才生

supported artist of year 2014-15
2014-15 年度獲選年青藝術家

As a Business Administration Degree graduate, Samson Cheung Choi Sang didn’t manage his subsequent so-called “career path” well enough. Coincidentally, he came into contact with photography and then opened up his ears from the coffee marks left on a cup. He started to make artworks seriously after he was selected to be part of soundpocket’s Artist Support Programme in 2014–15 and was given the chance to take part in an artist residency in Chicago. At the beginning, he explored his ideas through performance, spatial interventions, and installations with which to place himself and the participants into certain situations. Recently, he has found the motivation to explore images as a way to produce narratives. He has participated in exhibitions and performances include ‘Attachment-Detachment: The fluxes of subjects and objects’ Hong Kong Taiwan Art Exchange Exhibition (Hong Kong, 2017), ‘Being There 2017 – Artist Residency and retreat camp’ (Kyoto, 2017), ‘ifva Everywhere Carnival’ (Hong Kong, 2018), and The House of Hong Kong Literature: ‘On the Brink of Borrowed Time: To Stay/To Flee’ (Hong Kong, 2020).

Samson is now switching roles between art-worker, professional photographer, and amateur daddy.

Samson Cheung Choi-sang was supported by soundpocket’s Artist Support Programme 2014–15.

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大學主修工商管理,卻無心管理一切。坐這山望那山的性格讓張氐偶然得到從學習攝影、咖啡杯裡的咖啡跡中打開耳朵的機會。2014-15年,為聲音掏腰包 「藝術家支援計劃」年度獲選年青藝術家,此後開始認真創作,並獲得往芝加哥作藝術家駐留的機會。創作從表演、空間介入、裝置等方式與觀眾於各種場景同行。近期開始找到以影像作為敘事方式的動力。近年參與展覽及表演包括港台藝術交流展「入世・離地/貼地・出世」(牛棚藝術村,香港,2017)、「Being There 2017 — 藝術家駐留及體驗營」(京丹後,日本,2017)、「ifva影像嘉年華」(香港,2018)及香港文學館「離留之間:文學 x 視藝展覽」(包氏畫廊,香港,2020)等。


張才生為聲音掏腰包「藝術家支援計劃」2014-15 年度獲選藝術家。

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