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Chloë Cheuk Sze-wing 卓思穎

supported artist of year 2014-15
2014-15 年度獲選年青藝術家

Chloë Cheuk Sze-wing (b.1989, Hong Kong) is now based between Hong Kong and Montreal. Chloë’s practice explores the “structures of feelings” between people and society by reconstructing objects through metaphors, using a pared down vocabulary based in spirituality and esthetics.

Her artworks often touch upon the spectators’ everyday experiences and memories that exist on both an individual and collective level, and which lay the groundwork for intimate conversations. Carrying various implications, the ordinary objects she chooses frequently echo the personal, social, and political facets of our contemporary world.

Chloë has participated in a number of group and solo exhibitions and art festivals in Asia, North and South America, and Europe, including the International Symposium on Electronic Art (Dubai and Montreal), at Ars Electronica (Austria), and at the Asia Society (Hong Kong). She was nominated for the Sovereign Asian Art Prize and Award for Young Artist from the Hong Kong Art Development Award.

Recently, her work Since we last met was collected by M+ Museum, Hong Kong.

Chloë CHEUK Sze-wing was supported by soundpocket’s Artist Support Programme 2014–15.

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她的作品曾於亞洲、北美、南美及歐洲各地廣泛展出,包括國際電子藝術研討會(杜拜及蒙特利爾)、林茲電子藝術節(奧地利)及亞洲協會香港中心(香港)。她曾獲提名Sovereign Asian Art Prize 及香港藝術發展局「藝術新秀獎」。

近年,她的作品《曾經》被香港 M+ 博物館收藏。

卓思穎為聲音掏腰包「藝術家支援計劃」2014-15 年度獲選藝術家。

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