sound on

Unintentional Pause-Tsang Sin-yu Solo Exhibition

30.6 – 30.7.2017 @
18th Floor, Grand Marine Center, 3 Yue Fung Street, Tin Wan, Hong Kong
香港田灣漁豐街3 號大洋中心18 樓

Opening hours 開放時間:
(TUE – SUN 星期二至日) | 11am – 7pm 上午11 時至晚上7 時

Opening with performance by Tsang Sin-yu 開幕及演出
30 June, 2017 (FRI) | 7:30pm
30.6.2017 (星期五) | 晚上7 時半

Artist and Curator sharing 藝術家及策展人分享
8 July, 2017 (SAT) | 3pm – 4:30pm
8.7.2017 (星期六) | 下午3 時至4 時半

*All programmes are free and open to the public

Curated by 策展人:
Susi Law 羅偉珊

Collaborating Artist 合作藝術家:
Chung Wai-ian (Graphic Design) 鍾惠恩(平面設計)
Tung Wing-hong (Technical Advice) 董永康(技術顧問)

The sound of rainwater brushing over the roadside slopes after a downpour, the orderly chaos of the goods displayed in the wet market, the moss lightly growing in fish tanks or on tiles may not be enough to attract the attention of others. However, these seemingly meaningless repetitions in life often make the artist Tsang Sin-yu stand still and stare, and have become the source of her creations.

Tsang Sin-yu composes and teaches classical music, while focusing her studies on sound art and experimental music, and concerning herself primarily with the spatial and sonic relationships of different environments. In Unintentional Pause, her first solo exhibition, Tsang will emulate and arrange the sounds which impressed her and which she has captured at home or in the city, by means of remixing, installing, and assembling. Making use of her extensive collection of unwanted items found at home and in the city, her knowledge of gardening and ikebana, and her childhood memories of bonsai, she will create a scene adorned with flowing water and a hint of greenery, with which to call for the visitor to pause a while.

A practice room will also be installed in the exhibition, featuring several listening and recording exercises the artist has performed out of curiosity or bewilderment over the past few years, as if the visitor can borrow her “spare ears”.




>>> About artist Tsang Sin-yu 關於藝術家曾倩瑜
>>> About Curator Susi Law 關於策展人羅偉珊
>>> Exhibition Booklet 展覽小冊子

Presented by 主辦:

Venue Sponsor 場地提供:

Supported by 資助:

Beer sponsor 啤酒贊助: