sound on

– Duo Exhibition by Jacklam Ho and Li Hiu-wa

We are entering a space full of barely perceptible, yet deliberately edited sounds and images. These sounds and images are like weak signals that cannot be transmitted completely or accurately. We can only supplement them through our own experiences and memories, or try to augment the limited external information by other methods and reorganise our indistinct visual and auditory consciousness.

“BAD CONNNNNNNECTION” is the first duo exhibition by Jacklam Ho Tsz-yeung and Li Hiu-wa. In addition to their experiments with space, creation, and forms of display, the works also show the artists’ recent bewilderments and obsessions.

In order to process the large number of photographs that he has taken in the past, Li Hiu-wa is in the habit of watching them in fast-forward mode. The irregular dynamic of this accelerated playback fragments each photograph’s momentary record, and brings them closer to just a bare impression. Jacklam Ho, on the other hand, is accustomed to changing the speed and rhythm of sounds, and thinking about how the audio player and its material work together in the representation of sound. In this way he constructs his soundscapes by changing the usual methods of representation.

Sounds and images are defined as the media of documentation and have even become our external memory. With the advancement of science and technology, sounds and images appear to be exhibiting some kind of “precision,” though in its essence documentation is inevitably distorted: it has always been but a fragment of reality.




聲音和影像被定義為記錄的媒介,甚至成為我們的外置記憶。隨著科技進步,影像和聲音好像理所當然地展現「清晰」,但記錄在本質上無可避免地失真 ── 它從來只不過是真實的一部分。

@ Gallery, HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity (135 Junction Road, Kowloon, HK)
@ 香港兆基創意書院展覽廳(香港九龍聯合道135號)

:: Opening hours 開放時間 ::
TUE – SUN | 12noon–8pm
逢星期二至日 | 中午12時至晚上8時

Extended programme of ‘BAD CONNNNNNNECTION’ – Student-led Guided Tour
<接收不良> 展覽伸延活動 — 學生帶領展覽導賞

31.10.2020 (Sat) | 3–4pm
31.10.2020 (星期六) | 下午3至4時

Guided tour led by current students of the HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity will be available on 31 Oct (Sat) as an extended programme of the exhibition ‘BAD CONNNNNNNECTION,’ as well as part of the Arts-in-School Partnership Scheme.

With the support from the Hong Kong Arts Development Council, soundpocket and the HKSC Art & Culture Centre have joined hands in the “Arts-in-School Partnership Scheme”. Through art events, exhibitions, workshops, and internships organised for students, we wish to bring the arts into the school community and enhance the education and promotion of art in school.

The tour is guided by our Student Docents and is designed for audience members who would like to hear more about ‘BAD CONNNNNNNECTION – Duo Exhibition by Jacklam Ho and Li Hiu-wa’.

* The guided tour will be conducted in Cantonese.

>> Register for the guided tour and meet our Student Docents << 由香港兆基創意書院學生帶領的公眾展覽導賞將於10月31日舉行。展覽導賞除了是<接收不良-何子洋、李曉華雙人展>的伸延活動,同時是「學校與藝團伙伴計劃」的活動之一。 聲音掏腰包與香港兆基創意書院文化藝術中心獲香港藝術發展局資助,參與「學校與藝團伙伴計劃」;我們期望透過藝術活動、展覽、工作坊及工作培訓將藝術帶入校園,加強推動及推廣藝術教育。 導賞將由學生導賞員帶領,為觀眾介紹<接收不良-何子洋、李曉華雙人展>的作品,讓觀眾進一步了解展覽的内容。 * 展覽導賞將以廣東話進行。 >> 登記參與由學生導賞員帶領的展覽導賞 << - :: Opening 開幕 ::
9.10.2020 (Fri) | 6pm
9.10.2020 (星期五) | 黃昏6時正

:: Artists Sharing 藝術家分享^ ::
9.10.2020 (Fri) | 7pm
9.10.2020 (星期五) | 晚上7時正

^ The artists sharing will be conducted in Cantonese.

>> Register for Artists Sharing 報名參與藝術家分享 <<

* All programmes are free and open to the public 所有活動免費開放予公眾

>> About Jacklam Ho 關於何子洋

>> About Li Hiu-wa 關於李曉華

Presented by 主辦

“Arts-in-School Partnership Scheme” partner school

Supported by 資助